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Guided  with  ASUE  strategic purposes   of internationalization, recognition of the quality of education,   comparability of qualifications   and  ensuring   competitiveness  project proposals  of higher education reforms   were  developed   by  initiative  of  UNESCO  Chair on Education Management and  Quality Assurance Division  at  ASUE  and  by  approval  of  ASUE  Administration  were  presented  to  European Commission  within the   framework  of  Tempus  programs,    4  of  which  were  approved.  ASUE  will  fulfill   the  following  projects   during  3  years  since  2013:

  1. Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian HE (ESPAQ),
  2. Structural Development of the Third Cycle based on Salzburg Principles (VERITAS),
  3. Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development of State-of-the-art HE Management System for Efficient Changes in Line with Bologna Principles  (GOVERN),
  4. Promoting Educational Organisation through people  (PEOPLE).

Project   implementation will  begin  in  November, 2013  and  will  be  carried out by University consortiums including   Universities  and  educational institutions   in  the  European Union, as well as Armenia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

This information is provided by Nerses  Gevorgyan,  the Head  of    UNESCO  Chair on Education Management  and   Chairman  of  Quality Assurance Division at  ASUE.

 ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division