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Dear  students,  colleagues,

we  inform  that a  number  of  changes have  been  done at  “Library”  section  in  ASUE  official  website: the section was updated  and enhanced with  new headings,  which contain  useful  information. 

All  headings  of  the  section are  being  updated regularly.  The  fund  of  photos  has  also  been  updated,  which  describes  the  library’s  every day  work  and   book  resources. New  subsections  will  be  introduced  soon.

P.S.  Electronic  library   has  also  been operated  at the official  website.

Electronic  library  will be  presented   in a  new  format  and  content  in future: the  whole  library  fund  will  be  digitized.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division