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The  2nd  part  of  “Open class” (the 1st  one    was  conducted  on  October 24)   was  conducted   at  the  Department  of  Regulation  of  Economic  and  International Economic  Relations,  which  was  attended  by  Master’s  Degree  students.

As  we  have  already  mentioned, the  students  presented the  report published  by  International Monetary Fund,  which  consisted  of  several  parts  and  the  latters were  discussed during the “open class”.

One  of  the  organizers  of  the  “Open  class”,  Candidate  in Economics, Assistant  Professor  Hayk  Avetisyan,  who  conducted  the  lesson, mentioned  that the  students  presented  another  two  parts  of  the  report  today.

The  students  presented  the  topic by  slides  in English. By  the  way,  the  lecturers highlighted  the  presentation  in  English.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division  the  acting  Head  of the  Chair  of  International  Economic Relations  Grigor  Nazaryan mentioned  that responses were great, both the lecturers and the students were interested in “Open class”  and said; “Such  approach  has several  important  features,  the  students have already made proposals for organizing “Open class”, development of creative skills and ability to work in groups”.

We  tried  to  find  out  the  opinions of students,  whether such  classes   promoted the  improvement of professional skills,  they’re interesting   and  important  for  the  them.

“Productivity of  “Open class”   can  be  rated   quite  high,  as  they  promote development  of  the  students’  independent thinking,   and  the  theoretical knowledge  acquires  a  practical  usage”; said  the 1st  year Master’s  Degree students   Lilit  Mkhitaryan  and  Shaqe  Titanyan.

Grigor  Nazaryan  added  that  such  lessons  will  be  conducted  more frequently  in future.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division