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Armenian  State  University  of Economics  has signed  a  regular  agreement within  the  framework  of  cooperations  with employers.  The  agreement  was  signed  with  State  Water  Committee  of  the  RA  Ministry  of  Territorial  Administration. According to  this  agreement  “Management of  Water  Resources  and  Water  Systems” specialty  of  Master’s  Degree  will  be  carried  out  at  our University.

ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan,  referring  to  this  agreement  outlined,  that   our  University  had  signed  agreements  with  a  number  of    state  and  private  institutions  within the  framework  of  implementing  academic  programs  of    Mater’s  Degree  with   employers.

“We  have  already signed such  cooperation  agreements  with  6 institutions, in  the  result  of  which  our  University  implements  8  Master’s  programs.  These  institutions  are:  the  RA  State  Revenue Committee, Ministries  of the RA Labor and Social Affairs, Nature Protection, State  Committee  of  the  Real  Estate  Cadastre,  Department of State Property Management and  Union of  Banks  of Armenia. Here  is  the  seventh  cooperation. We  aimed  to  prepare   specialists  for the employers.  Our  University  implements academic  programs  of  Master’s  Degree  joint  with these institutions,   discussing  and  coordinating   curriculums,  topics  of  Master’s  thesis”;  said  the  Rector.

This  academic  program  should  be implemented  by  the  Chair  of  Environmental Economics  at  ASUE,  that’s  why  we  spoke  with the  Head  of the  Chair,  Doctor  in Economics, Professor  Suren Gevorgyan. “Our  Chair   considers  that  new  specializations  of  Master’s  Degree  should  be   implemented  after  Bachelor’s  Degree. We have chosen this strategy.  We  have  already  signed two  agreements, which open a wide field of cooperation,   which  is  effective  and strengthens university-employer relationship.  One  of  the  advantages  is  that their  experts  teach at our University, and  then choose  a specialist from the  graduates”; said  Suren Gevorgyan  and  added  that  this approach is welcomed and appreciated.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations Division