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Armenian  State  University  of  Economics  is  ready  to  spend the 1st   intermediate verification of the 1st semester  of the 2013-2014  academic  year:  preparatory   works  are  almost  over, the  schedules  of  the  exams  are  ready. The  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Organizational  Matters  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan  announced  about  this  at  ASUE  Rectorate  Board’s  session today  and  reported about preparatory   works    of  intermediate  verification.

The  Head of  Educational-Organizational Division  Armen Karakhanyan  presented the  results  of  additional  stage  of the   academic  debts organized  by  the RA  Minister's approval.

After  finishing  the  presentation of  the agenda  issues , the Rectorate  Board  referred to  current  issues.  Particularly, the  Vice-Dean  of  the  Department  of  Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations  Arsen  Petrosyan  introduced  the  candidate of  their  Department,  who  is  presented   to  get  the  scholarship  after  Qotanyan.  The  Rector  Koryun Atoyan   wondered what is the principle of the  Department  to  select this student, whether other students were also aware of this  scholarship, then  urged  to organize this  process permeantly. “It is  important that  all  students should be  aware  of  the processes,  the  students  should feel  that justice exists, understand how the process is done”;  announced  the  Head of  the  University.

The  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan  referred  to  ASUE  23rd Conference ,  which will  launch   tomorrow,  mentioning  that 120  articles  have  been  already presented  by  the  Faculty  staff, as well as articles  by  the Postgraduates  are  also  presented,  Gagik  Vardanyan  noted  that it’s  not   a  bad  result. He  encouraged   to  participate  actively  in   the sections’  works.

The  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Methodological  Matters  Paruyr  Qalantaryan announced  that our  University  had  won another 4 projects of  Tempus, in which the  latter  was involved as a participant.

“It is a unprecedented  index for  Armenian Universities”,  said  the  Vice-Rector.

Current  issues  were  also discussed.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division