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The  first open class  of  this  academic  year   entitled “Conflict  Management” took place  today  at  the  Department of Management  at  ASUE. The speakers  were the   second  year  students  of  State  and  Municipal  Management  specialty  Ani  Karapetyan and Yana Hovhannisyan.

Introducing  the  format  of  open class,  which  have  become a  tradition at the  Department of  Management, Ani   called  her  junior  classmates  to   participate,  to act  with initiatives  actively and  to suggest  new  topics.

The  speaker  introduced the  problems  of conflict  management  with  various examples,  presented slide  show,  at  the  same  time   conducted a dialogue with the audience.

ASUE Media  and Public  Relations  Division