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Extended session of  ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research  Center’s Scientific Advisory Board, including  agenda  issues regarding presentation  of  working  results,   took  place today.

After  welcoming the  participants  ASUE  Rector, the  Presidents  of  “AMBERD” Research Center’s Scientific Advisory Board Koryun Atoyan presented the new Director  of  the  Center, Doctor  of  Economics, Professor Samvel Avetisyan, congratulated  and  wished  him effective work on the  behalf of the  participants.

Then the Directors  of  Research Directions,  included in the  Center’s  research  projects,  presented the  works  done  during the  reporting  period  of  time, as well as  referred  to  the expected  results. Reports  regarding  research topics  implemented by  the  University  grants  were  also  presented.  The Director  of  the  Center  Samvel Avetisyan mentioned  that it’s  planned  to  organize  a  serial  of  seminars  on  all  those   directions,  which  research  groups  already had  substantive results.

The  Vice-Rector  of Science  and  International Relations  Gagik Vardanyan informed  the  participants  that  reports  regarding  the  topics  and research  directions  fulfilled  in the Center  should  be  included  in  ASUE  23rd Conference on  October.  Current  issues  were  also  discussed.  The  presented reports  were  approved  and  the  discussed issues were established.

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division