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Associate  Professor  at the  Chair  of Macroeconomics, Candidate  of Economics Karen Grigoryan implemented  scientific-research  work at the  Chair  of International Economic Policy at the University of Trier, Germany, within the  framework of   the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scientific  programme for scholars  and University  lecturers and nominal invitation.

The  topic of the  project  is “Study  of European Union’s Governing  Bodies  and  EU Member  States’ Industrial Policy”.

“Many of EU member  states, having developed  industry, including Germany, have enough experience in  that  field, the  study  of  which in the  RA may  be  useful  for  the  RA  economic development. European policy  directed  toward the  increased  value is  especially  important”, mentioned  Karen  Grigoryan in his  speech  and  added that he  had  studied  German university experience  in the field  of  academic reforms, scientific developments, University subdivisions  and internationalization,  had  participated in various  lectures  and  open seminars conducted  by German Professors.

The  results  of researches done by  Karen Grigoryan was  presented to  discussion of  the  inviting Chair’s  staff.  It is planned to publish the results  of  the  researches in the  professional  magazine.

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