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ASUE  Student  Council, headed  by  the President Sevak Khachatryan,  met  the  first  year  students of  the  Department of Accounting and Audit  at  ASUE  Big  Hall today. Sevak  Khachatryan  mentioned  that the  main goal of  the  meeting is  to  inform the first  year  students about the activity of the Student  Council.  First, it was mentioned  that SC is formed  to protect  the students’ interests.

The members  of  Student Council  presented  the  history  of ASUE SC (it has been formed  in 1994),   logo, structure (the  President, Vice-President,  Deputy President), the main principles  of  activity, “Econom Plus” Student Magazine, official  page  in Facebook (ASUE student Council) and  information.

It was  important for  freshmen to  be  informed  that ASUE  Student  Council implements joint  projects with Youth Foundation of Armenia, within the  framework of  which the  students, having high progress and  socially active ones, would have  tuition fees’ discounts /100-120 AMD/.

It’s  was  mentioned  that  the students  have a  participation  of  25%  in the  University’s Governing  Bodies. Active  members  of  Student  Council can make  use of  the  opportunities suggested   by the  University: to  have  a free rest in “Tntesaget” sport-health  resort and etc. At the  end  of  the  meeting  the  members  of  SC  answered to the  students  questions.

At the  end of  the Meeting the  Head of  Student Council Sevak Khachatryan  informed  that the  goal of  the  meeting was  to  integrate the  first  year  students quickly, moreover   SC  is  open  for  all  active  students, regardless of  their progress.

Sevak Khachatryan adds  that the working  plan, which  includes various initiatives,   is  being developed  for  the  2013-2014  academic  year.  ASUE  Student Council  actively participates  in all youth-student measures, it is  also  a  winner  of “Baze” youth meeting,  cooperates  with all  Armenian Universities.

The  Student Council  will  continue  the  meetings  with  the  students of other  Departments.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division