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ASUE Rector’s  meetings  with the first year  students  were  over today  at  the  Department of  Computer Science and Statistics, the  goal of  which is  to  present  the  social  package  operated in  this  academic year.  The  Vice-Rector  of Educational-Organizational  Matters Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, the  Head  of  Student Council Sevak  Khachatryan, the  Dean of  the  Department Zaqar Kirakosyan, representative  of  Faculty  staff  participated  in the  meeting  as  organizers.

The  Head of the  University  presented  the projects  implemented  during the  last  years which were  directed  to improvement of  University atmosphere,  quality  of education, development of  research  works, internationalization  of  the  University, then  referred  to  increase  of  tuition fees  and  the  social  package,  developed  and operated  in this year  particularly   for  the  first  year  students.

 “We  have  decided  it and  established  a  new  regulation in  spring, which enables  to  provide  scholarship to good studying  student (with credits since 70.1).  The  scholarship  will  be  provided since  the  second  semester  taking into  account  the  academic  progress, but  will  be  provided for  the  whole  year.  At the  same  time  the previous system of  discount will  remain. The  new system is  flexible enough   and  gives  an opportunity to  provide individual  nominal scholarships,  to  find  certain  solutions to specific cases for payment of tuition fees. Besides,  I  want  to  mention that  we  want  not  only  to throw  off  the  social  problems  by this  system, but  also encourage good  studying  students, thereby improving the quality of education” announced  Koryun Atoyan,  calling  the  students  to apply the  Dean  Offices  and  fill in applications for  both the  hostel  and  scholarships.

For  more  information  regarding  the  hotel  and  new  regulation visit ASUE official  website (www.asue.am).

The  Head of  the  University mentions that  the  canteen  provides the  students with  food with  lowest  price, the  students  spend  their summer rest  at “Tntesaget” sport-health resort  in Dilijan,  the senior  course students  are involved in works  of  “Amberd” research  center  and  get  salary,  the  University  has  signed  cooperations with  a   number of  employers for  good  studying  students  to  find a   job. “Various state  offices are  interested  in our  good  studying  students  and  express  their satisfaction concerning the staff we  educate.  So there is only one thing you need to do is to study well and  the  University  Administration will  solve  the other  problems”, said  ASUE  Rector.

At  the end  of  the  meeting  the  Rector answered  the  students’ questions which  mainly referred to academic  process.  The Rector  invited students  to  cooperate and  expressed willingness to discuss all problems.

Rector's  meetings  with the students

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division