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We have already informed that the Vice-Rector of Educational-Methodological Matters Paruyr Qalantaryan presented a report regarding changes in multi-factor procedure of assessing knowledge during the last session of ASUE Scientific Board of the 2012-2013 academic year on July 10. 
We present the decision regarding this procedure here  (Armenian version). 
Note that this changes will be used since new 2013-2014 academic year and will be available for the 1st-4th courses' students of full-time Bachelor's degree.
By the way, the Vice-Rector of Educational-Organizational Matters Mihrdat Harutyunyan and the Vice-Rector of Educational-Methodological Matters Paruyr Qalantaryan discussed the problems of organizing and assessing educational process during the meeting with students organized on July 4 at the Department of Marketing and Business Management. During the meeting which was attended by the President of Student Council Sevak Khachatryan, the Vice-Rectors mentioned that the Administration of the University was going to use the improved approach of multi-factor procedure of assessing knowledge, and students could act with their own opinions and suggestions. A working group of active students was formed by Sevak Khachatryan's offer, which presented the students' suggestions to the Administration of University.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division