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"Development" conference, which was attended by researchers of “Amberd” Research Center, Inter university Scientific Grants of Armenian University of Economics, researchers included in budgetary funding themes of State Committee of Science of the RA Ministry of Education and Science, launched on July 6 in Aghveran, concluded its works on July 8.
ASUE Media and Public Relations Division talked to Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations, Scientific Head of "Amberd" Research Center Gagik Vardanyan about the results of the conference. He mentioned; "Basically, the conference was an opportunity to discuss both some intermediate results and to outline the further working conceptual approaches implemented within the framework of research directions of the research center".

The Vice-Rector said that about 3 dozen reports had been presented by researchers of "Amberd" Research Center, inter university scientific grants and researchers included in budgetary funding themes of State Committee of Science of the RA Ministry of Education and Science. "Each of the reports was unique, contained approaches regarding scientific problems and solutions of them"; said Gagik Vardanyan. 

Scientific Head of "Technological Development, Digital Economy" research direction, Professor Vardan Sargsyan highlighted the existing constructive atmosphere of the conference and added that the presented reports created better impression than could be expected, taking into consideration that this was the first step to develop research directions in the University. "Being the first one, works done by the groups were obvious, and, this, of course, will promote further progress of works, the quality of works will be increased and we shall have scientific result in university environment, which is so import"; mentioned Vardan Sargsyan and mentioned at the same time, that further cooperations between research groups was assigned. "This cooperation between groups will have better result", he noted.

We also talked to a Director of "National Security Researches" project, Candidate of Economics Vardan Atoyan, who presented tow reports during the conference. "Organizing inter university conference with such format can definitely be considered a great step to find out and join intellectual potential and skills of the University. I hope that research works will get new energy and will contribute the development of the University and the country after summarizing the results of the conference. "Amberd" Research Center also pursues this goal.
I should note that, evaluating the presented reports, I hope that many of them after getting a look of complete work will outline expected results more objectively".
Referring to National Security Researches project the Director mentioned; "National Security field includes framework of a number of problems, but taking into consideration today's potential we perform our research on economic, financial, energy, spiritual and moral directions. I am sure that the results of researches performed within the framework of this project will be more visible and will justify the expectations of the University's Administration. There is a group of good professionals, so I am optimist." 

Scientific Head of "Macroeconomic Analysis, Modeling and Forecasting" research direction, Professor Ashot Tavadyan underlined that the conference was held on properly , and especially taking into consideration that that was the first experience to organize such kind of scientific event. "One of the main results was not only the presentation of works we had done, but also we got acquainted with the works of other research groups, we find out ways round of which cooperations can be assigned. This will essentially increase the quality of the works, which can be considered the main result of the conference. In addition, I think that the conference was a good opportunity to clarify plans and expected results"; mentioned Ashot Tavadyan.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division