Seminar of Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics was Held

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Chair  seminars are  going on, during  which representatives  of Faculty staff, PhD  students  present reports. The  regular  seminar  was  conducted  today at  the Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Lilit Hakobyan, PhD  student  of the  Chair  of Mathematical Methods  in Economics, and Marina Potikyan, PhD (applicant) student, presented reports.  The seminar was  attended  by Ashot Tavadyan, the  Chair, Professor, Directors  of Scientific-educational laboratories, representatives of the Chair, University employees, PhD  students.

Ashot Tavadyan welcomed the  attendees and stated that a considerable amount of research is being carried out in their Chair every year, about 30 articles are published, including in international journals. He summed up the scientific activity of the Chair for the last 5 years and added that “Mathematical Methods and Models in Economics” manual will be available  for  students soon.

Lilit  Hakobyan reported  on “Assessment of Distribution of the RA Population Income”, which  she  has prepared  within the  frames of  “Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Income Distribution of the Population of RA” topic.

She clarified the methodology she had used to evaluate the tools she selected. Emphasizing that the level of inequality in Armenia has a tendency to grow and there is a strong polarization of income distribution, the PhD student viewed the poor and non-poor groups of the population, then mentioned socio-economic factors which condition the gap between these groups.

Marina Potikyan reported  on “Economic-mathematical Assessment under  Conditions of Demand Uncertainty (via the  RA Materials)”. The PhD (applicant) student evaluated through the three models of economic-mathematical models and mentioned that these models are the scientific novelty of the research.  Ashot Tavadyan added that Marina Potikyan's work is distinguished by the fact that the research was carried out at the micro level.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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