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Dear graduates, members  of  ASUE,

ceremony  of  awarding  diplomas will  take  place  on July 9, which consists  of  two  parts.

We invite all  graduates  of  part-time  and  full-time  Bachelor’s  and  Master’s Programs to  ASUE  yard  at  11:00  to  take  part  in  official  ceremony  of  awarding  diplomas, during  which  the  Administration of the  University, guests  will  act  with farewell speeches  directed  to the  graduates.  Then the  process of  handing  diplomas  will  go  on at  the Departments.

The second  part  of  the  ceremony  will take  place  at 19:00  again  at  ASUE  yard  with  a  lot  of  surprise.  

As graduates   of  Armenian State  University  of  Economics,  you  will  be  embellished with specially  ordered  scarves   with   ASUE  branding colors.  ASUE  Administration  has  done  its  best  to  make  your  graduation ceremony   unforgettable.

Note only  the  graduates  of  full-time Bachelor’s  program  will  get their  graduation diplomas, but  the  graduates  of  all  educational  programs  are  invited  to  take  part  in  the  solemn  ceremony.

Students  of full-time  Bachelor’s program  should  present   moveable  papers   and  passport  to  Educational-Organizational  Division (Nalbandyan 128,  main building,  the  3rd floor) until July 9  to sign in the registers.  Information  regarding  awarding  diplomas  of  part-time educational  programs will  be  available soon.

 ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division