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International Conference entitled "Postcrisis socio-economic challenges and ways to overcome them" will take place at Armenian State University of Economics on October 22-25. The conference will be organized in 3 sections:
"Structural and institutional transformations in the postcrisis period", "Innovations' management", "Effective assessment of socio-economic reforms during postcrisis period".
For participation you should send an article of 5-6 pages with CD-R or electronic version. All interested people can participate.
Deadline of sending articles is October 10, 2013. Send the articles to the following e-mails: or
Guaranteed articles will be published in three languages.
Conference will take place in Yerevan, 0025, Nalbandyan 128.
Deadline for participation is July 8, 2013.
Article should be of 5-6 pages and should be sent to the mentioned e-mails till October 10, 2013.
The article should  be presented in Word format (GHEA Grapalat). Line distance 1.5.
Page sizes: top 2cm, down 2cm, left 3cm, right 1.5cm. All references must be at the bottom of the page, Russian and English summaries should be presented at the end of the articles.
The list of used literature should be presented in alphabetical order. Pictures and tables should be prepared and imported in Word or Excel format and shouldn't exceed 2 pages. The pictures must be in black and white and do not exceed 11 cm.
Mathematical formulas should be edited to «Microsoft Equation» or «MathType» format. Articles presented in TeX и PDF format are not accepted.
After the title of the article personal datas of the author, work place and e-mail should be mentioned. ASUE Scientific Division informs about this.
ASUE Media and Public Relations Division