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Scientific Advisory Board  of  “Amberd”  research  Center  at  Armenian State  University of  Economics  had  its first  session  today,  giving  official  launch of the Center’s  works.
ASUE  Rector, Doctor  of  Economics, Professor, President of   of  Scientific Advisory  Board  of  Research  Center  Koryun Atoyan  acted  with  opening  speech.  He  congratulated the  Heads  of  research  directions  and  workers  included  in the  groups, wished  them effective  work.  The  Head of  the  University  urged to  treat seriously the works  of  the  Center,  assumed  responsibilities.
Logo  of  “Amberd”  research  Center  was  established during  the  session.
The  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Scientific  Head of   Scientific Advisory  Board  of  the  Center  Gagik  Vardanyan  presented    research  directions  and  the  Heads  of  the  groups.  He  referred  to  the  mission,  goals  of  Research  Center, as well as  added  that  students  would  be  included  in the  Center’s  works  since  September.  Gagik  Vardanyan  also  mentioned  that  presentation of  research  directions, as  well  as      internal  scientific  grants   announced  last  year  was  planned to  organize  in Aghveran  on July.
Another  research  direction “Research  and  Development  of Educational Programmes  and  Technologies”   was  established  during  the  session,  the  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Methodological  Matters  Paruyr  Qalantaryan   was  confirmed  as Scientific  Head of  this  direction .  
Dear  readers,
we’ll  present  you  more  information regarding  the  Research  Center’s activity,  research  directions  and  plans  soon.
ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division