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Regularly  organized  trainings    of  Faculty  staff    are  important   for  improving  the  quality of  academic  process  at  Armenian State  University of  Economics.  Knowledge  of   foreign    languages    is  great  in  internationalization  process of  the  University, as well as  in preparing  competitive  specialists.   English  courses  organized  by  Armenian branch of  British  Council   at  ASUE  were an   important  step  in this  context.
14  specialists  of  the  Chair  of  Foreign  Languages  at  ASUE  have  recently got    “BEC Business English Certificate”  from  Cambridge  University, UK,  which  give  an opportunity  to  teach  Business  English  in Economic  Universities.  The  Head  of  the  Chair  of  Foreign  Languages  at  ASUE  Susanna  Chalabyan  informed  about  this.  She  also  mentioned  that she  had  received  “APTIS”  certificates  proving the  participants’ general   knowledge  of  English  language.
“A-two month-training  course  was organized at  ASUE  by  Armenian branch of  British  Council (from  October  25  to December  22,  2012).  Then the participants passed  oral  exam on  March  16, and  written  one  on March 22.   The  results were  sent  to  Cambridge  University, where  they  were checked  and  assessed, then  the  participants  got  “BEC Business English Certificate”, said  Susanna  Chalabyan  while  speaking  with  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division.  She  highlighted  the  role  of  such  trainings  and  mentioned  that they  gave an opportunity  to  get  another  quality  of  education  and  to match  it  with  time  requirements.  The  Head  of  the  Chair  express  gratitude  to  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan  for  comprehensive  support.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division