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Job fair was organized at ASUE yard today by initiative of ASUE Career and Marketing Center joint with “State Employment Service Agency” of the RA Ministery of Labour and Social Affairs. About 50 employers participated in it. 
The Minister of the RA Ministery of Labour and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan acted with opening speech. "We have a partnership relations with ASUE and initiating this event we give the graduates an opportunity to step forward to labour market, as well as help the employers who need young, highly qualified specialists", highlighting the importance of organizing such events, mentioned the Minister and assured that the implementation of such projects is an effective way of solving employment problems.

"The most important issue for the University is to increase the quality of Education, which is impossible without studying the demands of labour market and cooperation with employers" , welcoming all participants of the event and guests said ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan. Referring to University-labour market relations the Rector mentioned that ASUE has signed cooperation agreements with employers in state ad private fields in order to prepare specialists appropriate to labour market, and implements joint academic projects trying to prepare such specialists. "An Employer and a specialist meet today and the assessment of an employer  is very important for me" said Koryun Atoyand and hoped that such events would be continued.






ASUE Media and Public Relations Division