Chair of IER Restarted Lectures by Invited Professors

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Chair  of  International Economic Relations restarted  series of open lectures delivered by invited  specialists.

On October 18, Georgi Ghahramanyan, Information Security Risk Manager of “HSBC Bank Armenia”, Business Continuity Coordinator,  delivered  an open lecture on “Risk Management Process and its Application in International Banking Services”  for  the 4th year  students  of international economic relations specialty.

The  guest emphasized the importance of risk management in international banking services, presented the forms and tools of safe functioning of financial institutions during the  lecture.

The culture of the Armenian population in the sphere of risk management was also emphasized, which needs development according to the speaker.

On October 19, Vladimir Amiryan, Head of International Cooperation Division of RA Chamber of Commerce and Industry,  delivered  an open lecture  on “The Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a Foreign Trade Subject” for  the  same students. He  spoke  about  the Chamber’s  activity, then  achievements of the RA in promoting exports of small and medium-sized businesses.

Lectures  were  delivered  in an active discussion atmosphere.

The  Chair  has  submitted  the  information.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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