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The  Rectorate  Board  of  Armenian State  University of  Economics convened  regular  session today. The  Deans  of  six  Departments  presented  reports  regarding  the  results  of  pre-diploma  practice  of  the  2012-2013 academic year’s full-time  Bachelor’s  and Master’s  Programmes, as well as final  certification  process  of  graduates, evaluating  both  processes  successful.
The  Head of  Educational-Organizational  Division Armen Karakhanyan  reported  about  organizing  the  exams for  the  students  who weren’t  present  at intermediate  examination period of  the  2nd semester  of  the 2012-2013 academic year, informing  that the  exams  for  the  mentioned  students  would  be organized on May 7 and 8, at 14:30 and 16:00.
ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan announced  that it had  been planned  to  organize job  fair at  our  University  at  the  end of  May, promoting to  solve  the  problem of the  graduates to  find job. ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division will give  more  information  about  this  initiative  soon.
Current issues  were  also discussed  during  the session. It’s  decided to visit "Victory”  Park on May 9.
ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division