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ASUE students and  lecturers can already read  March  number  of  “Econom plus”  student  magazine.
The  4th course  student  of the  Department  of  Marketing  and  Business  Management,  Master of  sport,  a  member of  Armenia  and  ASUE  Volleyball  teams  Aram  Melqumyan is  on the  cover  of  the  magazine. “Econom plus”  is  opened  with the news  about  multifaceted and rich life of  students.
Student  magazine  presents  an  interesting interview  with  Doctor  of  Economics,  the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Marketing, Professor  Ararat  Zaqaryan.
There  are  also other  interesting  headings.
We  congratulate  the  editorial board of  the  magazine  and  Student  Council  on  publication of  a new  number  and  wish creative  new  success.
ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division