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The 99th  anniversary  of the 20th  century’s  talented  and beloved  representative  of  Armenian  lyrics  Hamo  Sahyan was  celebrated  on April 14  by  the initiative  of   ASUE  members  of  Hamo  Sahyan’s poetry lovers: the Dean of  the  Department  of  Marketing  and  Business  Management,  the  Head of  the  Chair  of International  Economic  Relations  Grigor  Nazaryan,  Associate  Professor  of  the  same  Chair  Davit  Hakhverdyan,  Assistant  Professor  Erik  Hambardzumyan,  the  President  of  Student  Council Sevak  Khachatryan  and  by  the  support of the  Governor of  Syuniq  region  Suren  Khachatryan.  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan  was  invited  and  participated  in the  event. The  Dean Tatul  Mkrtchyan  informed  ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division  about  this  and mentioned  that  the  University’s Student  Council  had  actively  participated, especially  “Нар-Хоз” theatrical and literary studio.

The event  devoted  to Hamo  Sahyan’s  birthday  anniversary  took  place near  the  statue  of  great  writer  in Sisian.  Playmate  of  Hamo  Sahyan  Vladimir  Movsisyan was the  first  to  speak  characterizing   the great  writer  as  a  friend  and  personality. The  Governor  of  Syuniq  region  Suren  Khachatryan,  literary critics  Davit  Gasparyan,  Kim Aghabekyan  spoke  about  Hamo  Sahyan. The  participants  listened  to  the great  writer’s  sister  Hasmik  Grigoryan  with excitement, who  told  about  her  brother  with  great   love.
ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan  welcomed  the presents,  characterizing Sahyan’s  poetry  and  quoting  beloved   and impressive lines  of  the  great  writer.

“Hamo  Sahyan is  a  poetry giant,  a real intelligent, serious-minded  man. He  is  a great person  and such  persons  differ  from  us:  they  born  and  do not go away  any  more.  They  live  with us,  next to us,  inside  us  and  protect  our  culture”,  said  ASUE  Rector  and  added  that  Sahyan  is  one  of  the brightest stars in the sky.
Then “Нар-Хоз” theatrical and literary studio  headed  by  Harutyun Arzumanyan  presented  beautiful performances  devoted  to  life  and  activity  of Armenian great  writer,  his poetry.  

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division