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Cooperation agreement between Armenian State University of Economics and Public Information Department of UN was signed today by the Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan and the representative of Public Information Department of UN Maria Dotsenko.
"Such a cooperation was signed today, which will give young students an opportunity to get acquainted with UN's activites, to participate joint conferences, to acquire diplomatic skills", highlighting the expansion of young people's skills and opportunities, sad Maria Donetsko and hoped that this agreement will be effective. The latter also mentioned that the students were the active participants of UN's projects, reliable colleagues in development progress of UN's values.

Highly evaluating the cooperation with Public Information Department of UN, Gagik Vardanyan mentioned that due to joint work our students would have an opportunity to be involved in UN's projects, to become an informed and active citizen.
UN Corner was opened at the reading hall of the University's library by UN's initiative and the presentation of pictures devoted to action 1000 days directed to the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals was the first of the planned events within the cooperation project.
The presented books and pictures told about UN's activities, implemented programs and projects. Maria Donetsko said that the presented library would be updated and enriched. The representatives of ASUE students and Faculty staff, workers of the library got acquainted with the presentation with great interest.

"Today, however, we highlight the role of information technology and the Internet in our lives, the book remains a key tool for knowledge acquisition" , said Gagik Vardanyan, thanking for the opened UN Corner and the presentation of books published by UN.
ASUE Media and Public Relations Division