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Solemn  opening  ceremony  of  the  RA  Universities’  Students’ 14th Republican  sport  games took place  yesterday  at  Armenian-Russian (Slavonic)  University, student athletes  of  the  RA  state    and  non-state  16  universities  and  Artsakh  State  University  took  part  in it.
The  Minister  of  the  RA  Ministery  of  Education  and  Science,  the  President  of  Student  Sport  Federation  Armen  Ashotyan  welcomed  and  wished success  to  the  participants  and  mentioned  that  there  is a   problem of  the  commons  in student  sport and  healthy lifestyles should  be  rooted  in  young  generation. “Sport  is a part  of  culture  in whole civilized world  not  only because it is  imposed as a subject of examination,  but as  a  part  of  everyday  life.  Healthy  man  can  solve  all  problems  he/she  faces”,  mentioned  Armen Ashotyan.
An Associate  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense  at  ASUE  Karlen  Sargsyan,  lecturers,  coaches  of  girls’  and  boys’ basketball  teams  Hakob  Kyokchyan and  Stanislav  Avanesov  were  present at  the  RA  Universities’  students’  14th Republican sport  games.   Karlen Sargsyan informed  that  after  the  end  of  solemn  opening  ceremony  girls’  basketball  tournament  started. The  opponent  of  our  University’s team was the  one  of  Armenian Agrarian  National  University,  which wasn’t present  and  the  victory  was  awarded  to  ASUE  girls.
Our  team of  girls  will  play  with  the  one  of  Armenian-Russian (Slavonic)  University  today  at 17:00pm, and  with the  team of  Armenian  State  Engineering  University  tomorrow  at  15:00pm.  We  wish  success  to  our  athletes.
ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division