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“Open Class”  entitled “Leadership” was organized today  by the  initiative of Student Council  of ASUE Department  of  Management,   which was  held  on  by the  students   of  the Department of  Management.
Who is the  leader?,  what are the characteristic features? what does it mean to be a leader? what principles is she/he  guided  by?  Here  are  the issues, which were  spoken about  during  the  “Open Class”,  the students  presented  not  only   the  famous  viewpoints and theories  about leaders  and  leadership, but  also  their  own observations.  
The  moderators  of  the  class  suggested   the  participants  games, logical  questionnaires regarding  the  topic, which  made  the  class  more  impressive   and  created  warm and  direct  atmosphere.

“We  organize  such “Open Classes”  with great  enthusiasm, as  the students  hold  on  them.  The letters  should  be  able to provide  the material  in such  a way   to  create interest  and  grab the audience's attention”, the  President of  Student Council  of  the  Department of  Mnagement Grisha Amirkhanyan told  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  and  assured  that  such  kind  of  “Open Classes”  should  be  continued.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division