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The  students  of  the  Department of  Management  participated  in a  remarkable  debate  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall.  The  first debate  in English on “Formal, or non-formal education” topic was  organized by the  initiative  of   debate club in  foreign languages, which was  attended  by  the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Foreign  Languages  Susanna  Chalabyan.
The  participants  of the  debate were separated  into two teams. One  of  them tried  to  prove  that the  formal  education given by  the educational institutions  were  more  effective than non-formal did, that is  self education,  knowledge  acquired by  internet,  participation in  different education programs.

The  members  of  the  other  team  tried  to  prove  with counterarguments  that  it’s possible  to  get  quality education  by  self  education, as well as  by  internet.
“This  debate proved  once  again  that you   realize  the  great  role  of  education in your  life. It is pleasant   that   you   organize  such  discussions  in English, try  to  develop your  speaking skill”,  Susanna  Chalabyan  thanked  the  students  for  this initiative  and  mentioned   that  the  students  demonstrated a high level of English  during the debate.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division