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The  professor  of  the  Chair  of  Management  at  ASUE  Valeri  Mirzoyan  held  on  a  regular  lesson  at  the  1st  course  of  State  and  Municipal Management specialty  today.   In the  framework  of  “Rhetoric”  course, towards the International  Day of  Mother Language he  devoted  his  lesson to  development issues  of  native  language.
The  Head of  Media  Club  at  “Mkhitar  Sebastatsi”  educational complex  Noyemi  Andreasyan,  pupils  of  high  school  Ruzan  Amirkhanyan and  Izabella  Khanzratyan  were  present  at  the  lessson.  They  were  interested  in the opinion of  the  Founder  Head (1993-1998) of  State Language Inspectorate  concerning to recovery of classical spelling.
Valeri  Mirzoyan answered  to  the  questions,  presenting  historical  stages  of  spelling changes.
 He  points  out  that  being  a supporter  of  recovery of classical spelling,  he  highlights  the  spelling  of  Eastern and Western  Armenian in terms of  unity.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division