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A solemn ceremony of handing residence cards to our University’s foreign students took place today at ASUE Building situated in Qanaqer-Zeytun.

“You have become citizens of Armenia temporarily, and you can make use of the same rights and responsibilities, that we do, except the right of choice”, congratulating the students said the coordinator of educational-organizational matters of foreign students Mher Aghalovyan and handed them the residence cards.

The Hand of Division of Foreign Relations Vard Ghukasyan, leading specialist of Division of Foreign Relations Mery Makunts, lecturers Armine grigoryan and Lusine Harutyunyan also congratulated the students.

“We are thankful for the hospitable admission and for the warm attitute. It’s already three months that we are in Armenia and we enjoy everybody’s help and support. We love the University and our lecturers. Due  to  the latters'  teaching  modern  methods  we  have  learned  a lot  of things  during this  short  period  of time  and    now  we  try  to  speak in  Armenian",   Varun Joshi (a  Foreign student of  our  University,  Chanay,  India) told    ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division.  

P.S.  Our  University   started  foundation courses  last year   notifying  the  launch of  education for  foreign students  for the  first  time  in the  University's  history.

ASUE  MEdia  and  Public Relations  Division