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This  year’s first  session of  Scientific  Council  took  place  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall.  The  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan  opened  the  Session  with  the report  on  “The  results  of  scientific-research  activity  and  postgraduate education  of  the  University  in  2012  and  the  problems  of  2013”  topic, stressing  the  achievements, some  omissions, works   done  in scientific-research    field  last  year, as well  as  presenting  works  to be done  during the current  year.  Among the achievements Gagik  Vardanyan  underlined  the  announcement of  interuniversity  scientific  grant  by  the  University  last  year, as well as  the  fact  of  creating  scientific-research  center  in the  University,  characterizing  them  as  innovative  steps  made  by the  University’s  Management.
Gagik  Vardanyan  reported  the  second  issue  of the  session’s  agenda,  presenting  the  results  of  the  contest of  handing  interuniversity  scientific  grant, at  the  same  time  informing  that  13  grants  had  been  awarded  (37  million  AMD).
The  President  of   Competition Commission,  Doctor  of  Economics,  Professor  Suren  Gevorgyan  presented the  Commission’s  2007-2012 reporting period.
The  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Organizational  Matters  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan  presented   the  issue  of establishing   the  working  plan  of  the  2012-2013  academic  year’s  second  semester.  Current  issues  were  discussed  during  the  Session  and  all the  discussed  issues  received approval  by  the  vote  of  the  Scientific Council’s  members.
ASUE  Media a nd  Public  Relations  Division