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The  results  of  the  seminar  trainings,  which have started  on  January 14 for  the  for  the  lecturers  and  the  workers  of ASUE  Chair  of  Physical  Training,  Emergency  Situations  and  Civil  Defense, were  summarized today.
P.S. The  acting  Head of  the  mentioned Chair, Professor   Simon Hakobyan  held  the  last  seminar  training  on  “The feature  of  organizing  academic  trainings  of  physical  education” theme  on January 24.
“Seminar  trainings consist of  theoretical and practical  parts.  The  lecturers  of  the  Chair  held  trainings  according to  their  specialization  area during the  first  part,  the  practical  one   was  spent at the gym”,  said  Simon  Hakobyan. He  thanked  all  participants, as well  as   ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division  for  the  participation and  reporting.
The  Professor  mentioned  that  these  seminars  not  only informed the lecturers  about  the  sport  news,  changes  and  developments  in it,  but  also  showed  the  inovation  ways  which  would  make  academic physical  trainings    more  attractive.
Simon Hakobyan  draw  attention  on  the  defects  and   omissions  of the  seminar trainings, mentioning  the necessity  to  exclude  them  in future.  He  infomed  that  such  trainings  would  be continued.

ASUE  Media  and  Public relations  Division