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Today is  the final  day  of  the  qeminars  started  at  the  Chair  of  Physical  Training,  Emergency  Situations  and  Civil  Defense  on January 14 for  the  lecturers  and  the  workers  of the  Chair. The  acting  Head of  the  mentioned Chair, Professor   Simon Hakobyan  held  the  last  seminar  training  on  “The feature  of  organizing  academic  trainings  of  physical  education” theme.  The  speaker,  referring to the  advantages  of  of physical  trainings,  raised  issues  and  problems,  offered  his  variants of   solution to  them.  
Simon  Hakobyan  observed  that  our  young  people  had  serious health problems:  not  only  diseases, but their  types  are  being  developed.  The  Professor  thinks that  physical  trainings and  sport  should  contribute  to  have  healthy  generation  both   physically  and  spiritually,  so   academic physical  trainings  should  be  organized to  be not  only  effective,  but  also attractive and   interesting.  “Commonly, academic  trainings  are  the  product and  result  of   creative  rich  thinking,  which should  be  passed  creatively  and  with  innovation  approaches”,   said  Simon Hakobyan.  The  practical  part  of the  training  was  spent  in the  gym.
P.S.  As  we  have  already  informed  seminar  trainings    started  on Jenuary  14.  11  lecturers  have  held  on  seminar  trainings  according to  their  specialty  area.  All those  trainings  were  spent by the  same  structural principle.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division