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Regular number of “Banber ASUE” has been published. Issues and problems concerning to different areas of economy were raised in the published scientific articles: Arzuman Hakobyan “On the Issues of Applying Principles of Natural Sciences in Economic Research” under “Theory of Economics” heading, Atom Margaryan and Sergey Solodovnikov “Institutional Problems of Technological Modernization Oriented to Industrial Policy” under “Innovative Policy” heading, Ashot Markosyan and Boris Avagyan “Country’s Right to Sea Access” (Regional Development), Vahram Ter-Balayan “On the Efficiency of the Staff of the Public Authority”, Valeri Mirzoyan “Eristic: the Essence and Some Principles” (Issues of Management), Aram Arakelyan and Gayane Barseghyan “The Choice of Optimal Currency Portfolio. Estimation of the Model” (Banking), Gyullo Arabyan “Development of Financial Control Functions in Public Sector” (Accounting and Audit), Armen Ghazaryan “Statistical Model of Financial Safety of the Banking System of Armenia on the Basis of “CAMELS” (Mathematical Methods), Hayk Minasyan “Behavioral Principles of Economic Entities in the Network Economy”, Khachatur Nazaretyan “Modern Network Economies and Related Issues” (Network Economy), Lusine Mkhitaryan “ The System of Environmental Protection Measures of Exploitation of Tegout Deposi” (Environmental Economics), Narine Elizbaryan “The RA’s Competitiveness in the Global Tourism Market” (Tourism), Tatiana Tselykh “Marketing Process as an Element of Marketing Potential of local Economic System” (Marketing). There are scientific articles under Philosophy, Methodics headings.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division