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The  first joint  working  meeting  of  participation universities, organizations  and   consortium  of  AlmaLaurea  university  in  "HEN-GEAR"  project of  Tempus  took  place  in  Bologna,  Italy.  The  representatives  of  the  RA  Ministries  of  Education and  Science,  Labour and Social Affairs,  National Center for Quality Assurance,  8 Armenian   universities,   the  RA  National Association of Student,  the  RA  Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, as well  as  consortium  of  AlmaLaurea  university  took  part  in   European Union «HEN-GEAR» project.

Here is  the  staff  of  Armenian Universities  taken part in it:  Yerevan State  University,  Armenian State  Engineering  University,   Armenian State  University of  Economics, Academy of Fine Arts,  State  Agrarian  University,  Architectural and Construction University,  Gavar  State  University  and  Gyumri  State  Pedagogical  Institute. The  main goal of the  project is  to create  cooperation network  between  universities  and  employers so it makes  the  entrance  of  university  graduates'  to  the  labour  market  more  effective and affordable.   A  three-year-project is  financed  by  European Union Tempus  program.  

During a three-day-working meeting  the   Director  of  consortium  of    university  Andrea  Kammelli  expressed willingness to  promote  the investment of new culture of  cooperation between  university-graduate-labour  market  in Armenia.  The  members  of  Armenian delegation  met  the  Rector of  Bologna  University  Ivano Dioniji.

Information is  taken  from the official  website of the  RA  Ministry of Education and  Science

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division