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The  RA  NA,  the  President  of  ASUE  Council  Hovik  Abrahamyan congratulated the  35th  anniversary  of  “Tntesaget”. The  congratulatory  message  is  presented  below:

The  official  paper  of Armenian State  University of  Economics  “Tntesaget” celebrates  its  35th  anniversary in great  family  of Armenian press  this  year.

It is  already 35  years that  “Tntesaget” has  its  unique place  in Armenian State  University  of  Economics  life,  being the  ratification  of the  University’s  events, good  and  expected  friend  of  the  members  of  the University.  Passing  more  than three  decades,  the  magazine  continues  to fulfill its mission  successfully  in  educating  and  bringing up  generations,  preserving its  invaluable contribution.

Black  and  white  printed  magazine  hasn’t  stood apart from  the  present  developments  in  technology development  era and  it is  already  a  year, that  “Tntesaget”  is  being published  with  new high quality:  both  the appearance,  and  content.

Now  it is  published fully  coloured  with two-month intervals.  In terms of content  the  magazine  has  reached  a  high  level,  for  which  serious efforts  are being  made.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division  which  deals  with the  publication of  “Tntesaget”  is  always  in  search  to  ensure high  level  of the  magazine.

I  congratulate  the  anniversary  of  “Tntesaget”  and  wish  new  achievements.

The  RA  NA  President

The President of  ASUE Council

Hovik Abrahamyan