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Regular  session  of  ASUE  Scientific  Council  took place  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall, discussing  and  accepting  a  number  of   issues.  The  Executive  Secretary  of  ASUE  Admission Committee  Miqayel Tavadyan  presented  the results  of  the  2012-2013  academic year's  admission, underlining  that  Admission Committee  had  acted  according to  the  demands  of  the  order   established  by  the  RA  Ministery  of  Education and  Science.  The  Vice-Rector  of  Educatiuonal-Organizational  matters  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan  reported  about  the  process  of  gathering tuition fee, the  Head of  the  Educational-Organizational  Division reported  about  the  results  of  the second  winding-up  and  the  problems  of  educational  subdivisions.  The  Head of  Quality Assurance  Division Nerses  Gevorgyan  reported  about  the works  done  towards  institutional accreditation of the University  and  the problems  of  subdivisions, mentioning   that  quality  assurance  system  conceptually is  different  from the known and the previous accreditation and licensing processes.  Nerses  Gevorgyan  presented  the  preparatory works  done   for  implementation of the  University’s  self analysis process, stressed  that the  proccess  had  started  and  working  groups  had  already  started  to  work.  He  promised  to  reopret  about the  results.

The  Scientific Council  discussed  and  unanimously adopted  the  issue  of  replacement  in the University’s Council  staff:  the  Head of  the  Chair of  Higher Mathematics  Arkadi  Hayrapetyan  will  replace  the  President  of  Trade  Union  Grigor  Terteryan  in the  Council, and    the  Dean of  the  Department  of  Accounting and Audit  Ashot  Matevosyan  will  replace a Professor  in the  Chair  of  Corporate  Finance  Karlen  Abgaryan.  Vice-Rector  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan  presented  the  isssue  of  establishing  the  final certification course list  of   the  2012-2013 academic  year’s  full-time  and  part-time  Bachelor’s  program,  the  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Methodological  matters  Paruyr  Qalantaryan reported  with  suggestion to  rename  the  Chair  of  Information Systems Management  into  Economic Computer Science and Information Systems.  The  results  of  the  Scientific  Session on  "Problems of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy" topic were  summarized.  

 ASUE  Medi  and  Public Relations Division