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The  22nd scientific session  on   "Problems of  increasing the competitiveness of the national economy"  topic,  continued  its  works  in Aghveran today. A  three-day-session, which  has  started its  works  on November  16  in ASUE,   has  hosted  the  representatives  of  the  Central  Bank headed  by  the  first  Deputy  of  the Bank’s  President  Nerses  Yeritsyan.

The  representative s of  the  RA  CB  had  a  very  interesting  report on  “The  role  of  the  RA  CB  in  price and financial stability  assurance”  topic, presenting  the  works  and  functions  of  price stability  of  the  CB, as well as the  role  of the  CB  in financial stability  assurance. 

ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan qualified  the  meeting  with the  representatives  of  the  CB  usfule  and  their  report  deep and comprehensive.  “I  think  that  such  meetings  should  become  norm  of  activities  and  such  contacts  should  be  created  with  our other partners”,  underlined  Koryun Atoyan, at the  same  time mentioning  that separate lectures  by  the  specialists  of the  CB  should  be   usfule  in our  University.  So  the  22nd  ASUE  Scientific Session has been  over,  the  results  will  be  summarized  tomrrow  at the  University.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division