The solemn ceremony of congratulating and awarding prizes the winners of the 34th SSS session took place today at ASUE Conference Hall, which was attended by ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, the President of SSS Vladimir Gevorgyan, the participants of the session, the staff of the jury.
The Rector mentioned in his speach, directed to the winners and the participants of the solemn ceremony, that scientific-research works should become an opportunity to update knowledge, to exercise thought and to specialize, during which the work with teaching scholar pedagoges should be joint and effective. Koryun Atoyan urged students to do scientific-research works more seriously, to make the sessions more substantial, to exclude formal participation. Then the Rector handed the prizes and diplomas of the winners and the certifications of the participants of Master’s program.
We inform that the prize fund has been doubled this year, the students won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places got accordingly 30, 25 and 20 thousands AMD.
The President of SSS Vladimir Gevorgyan handed the the prizes and diplomas of the winners and certifications of the participants of Bachelor’s program.
After the solemn ceremony of awarding prizes the participants and the members of the jury acted with suggestions, views, as well as thanked the organizers for the organized and saturated working agenda.
We congratulate all winners, as well as all participants.
ASUE Media and Public Relations Division