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Armenian State  University  of  Economics on behalf of  the  Rector  Koryun Atoyan  and  Armenian branch of  British  Council  on behalf of  the  Director  Arevik  Saribekyan  have  signed  an agreement according to  which  14  specialists  of  English  language  at  ASUE  will  be  provided with preparation  services  of  “BEC”  international  test:  twice  a  week, for two  hours.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division  applied  to  the Head  of the  Chair  of  Foreign  Languages at  ASUE  Susanna  Chalabyan  to  clarify  the  details  of  the  validated  and  started  cooperation.

“14  lecturers  of English  language of the  Chair  take  part  in the  trainings  organized  by  Armenian  branch  of  British  Council,  which  has  started on  October 25  and  will  last  till  December  22.  Training will  be followed by testing and assessment  stages,  testing  will  be  spent  in Armenia,  then  the  tests  will  be sent  to  Cambridge  University, UK,  where they  will  be  checked  and  assessed.  Those, who  will  overcome  the  proposed  requirements, will  get  “BEC Business English Certificate”, which  verifies lifelong   teaching of  English  language  in  Economic  University”, said  Susanna  Chalabyan and  informed  that  the test  would  check  the  participant’s  knowledge  with  4  directions:  reading, listening, speaking, writing.  These  are  criterias,  which  exist  in international  all  tests.

The  Head  of the  Chair  highlighted  the  role  of trainings  for  scholar-pedagoge in general  and  specified  that the  training  would  help to  step  ahead with  updating knowledge and developing  according to  contemporary changes.

“It is necessary to  mention, that  the program becomes  reality  due  to  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan and  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations Gagik  Vardanyan.  Thank  them  for  welcoming  our  initiative  and doing  their  best to encourage  and to support  the  unique opportunity  of  training  with international criterias to become reality  for  lecturers  of  the  Chair”, said  Susanna  Chalabyan.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division