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We  have  been informed  from the  official  website  of  the  RA  National  Assembly, that the RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan solemnly handed over the certificates of young parliamentarian to the members of the newly formed Youth Parliament. Congratulating those present on the occasion of being elected members of the Youth Parliament the President of the National Assembly said:

"Dear young people,

I congratulate you on the occasion of being elected members of Youth Parliament and wish you productive and fruitful work.

Dear colleagues,

I think I can address you in this way, being sure that you will actively take part in the works of the Youth Parliament and the formation of the legislative field, moreover, the members of the Youth Parliament are given an opportunity also to take part in the works of the committees of the National Assembly and to make proposals.

It is symbolic that the first sitting of the Youth Parliament precedes the International Solidarity Day of Youth Parliament, which is celebrated in the world on November 10. I am sure that there will be solidarity in the Youth Parliament, as well as plurality and respect towards each other’s views.

The role of the youth continues to remain in the life of states and societies and in social-political processes. The fact that there are more young people in the National Assembly of the fifth convocation of theRepublicofArmeniathan in the previous parliament witnesses that the young people’s participation in our country and the involvement in the processes of the administration of the state is highlighted. The young people are given wide opportunity to use their abilities, capabilities and knowledge, become a motivating force of the civil society, bring freshness and enlivening in the political life, propose new ideas. The Youth Parliament can become an arena of realizing their self-manifestation and own possibilities. And it is not excluded that we’ll see many of you in the nearest future in the first rows of big policy, in the highest state circles, because we emphasize the role of the youth very much, I’ll underline the practical role in the life of our country.

It is extremely important that representatives of different political forces are included in the Youth Parliament, representing both parties of opposition and power. Due to the political diversity of the National Assembly, the palette of this Youth Parliament is also richer. I am sure that this wealth will serve as granted for our people and our state, because, irrespective of political disagreements, different approaches to this or that problem, the united interest of the country and the people should guide us.

I am sure that you, dear young people, will use with dignity your mandates within the period of the authorities of the Youth Parliament, and the experience gained here you will serve at best for the reinforcement and progress ofArmenia.

Once again I congratulate you on launching of the works of the Youth Parliament".

The Youth Parliament is comprised of 131 members, and from them 39 were nominated by the factions representing the NA, 50 – the higher educational institutions of the republic, 42 were elected by self-nomination.

On the same day the Youth Parliament convened its first sitting, which presided over the senior deputy, representative of the Republican Party of Armenia Armen Karapetyan.

The Vice Chancellor of the Holy See Etchmiadzin Mesrop Archimandrite Parsamian conveyed the word of blessing by the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II to the young deputies.

Before passing to the agenda the young MPs were sworn in under the NA Rules of Procedure.

Then the debate of the two items included in the session agenda began: "Election of the Accounting Committee of the Youth Parliament adjunct to the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport" and "The Order of Formation and Activity of the Youth Parliament adjunct to the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport".

The young MPs proposed their representatives in the Accounting Committee, and as a result of voting with 100 for, nobody against and 5 abstained approved the order of the formation and activities of the Youth Parliament.

The RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan was attending the first sitting of the Youth Parliament.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division  informs  that  5  young  deputies in  Youth Parliament  are  from  our University: ASUE  Student  Council  President  Sevak Khachatryan, Vice President  Sergey  Kharatyan,  the  President of  Finance  Department’s Student  Council Shushan Aleksanyan,   the  President  of  Management  Department’s   Student  Council  Grisha  Amirkhanyan  and the  4th  course  student  of Finance  Department  Grigor  Kirakosyan.

Sevak  Khachatryan,  the  President  of  ASUE  Student  Council, a  Deputy  in  Youth  Parliament,  told  ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division that   ASUE  Deputies,  using  the  given  opportunity,  would try to  bring freshness and liveliness into political life,  would have  an active participation in a complex and difficult process of creating a stable and prosperous state  with young,  new and fresh ideas.

P.S.  The  photos  are taken from the  official  website  of  the  RA NA.