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Dear  members  of  ASUE, we  are  glad  to  announce  you  an unprecedented good  news:  Armenian State  University  of Economics  has  won 3 programs  of Tempus.  The  results  of  the  fifth competition of  the proposals  of  the  Tempus  Fourth  have  been  summarized  and 108 programs have  been  selected by  Tempus to  be financed  according  to  the  official  website  of  national office  of  Tempus  program in Armenia.  ASUE  has  won  three  of  those 108 programs.

It is  already  a  year  that  radical reforms are  being  implemented in Armenian State  University of Economics,  the main   result   of   which will  be  the radical raise  of  the quality of education  during  relatively  short period of  time  and  preparing  specialists  according to the  requirements of the employers.  Agreements  of  implemeting  joint  Master  program  Education  with  a  number  of  employers  have  been  already  signed.  The  international  development of high  education has entered such a  period  where  the  association of  the  demands  of  labor  work  with the  final  result  of  the  studying: knowledge, skills  and  abilities,  is  important.  We need to strengthen the abilities for accepting these challenges and implementing changes in the arena of high education.  All  these  will  promote  the    raise  of the  quality of  education.

Guided  by  the  vision and  mission,  ASUE  has  presented  ambitious  plans  of  reforms to the European Commission,  three  of which  has  recieved an approval.  At the same  time,  in the  framework  of  cooperation  with EU, ASUE  is the first Armenian  University  to  control one  of  these  programs.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division congratulates  ASUE  all  members   and  promises to  refer  to the  programs  more  detailed in the  future.