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 Kortyun Atoyan,  the Rector  of Armenian State University of Economics, Doctor  of Economics, Professor,  by the  invitation of "Tesaket"  Press  Club,  made  a  Press Conference  today,   which was  covered   by the mass media.

ASUE Rector  spoke  about the  admission exams  of the  2012-2013 academic year.    ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division   presents  an information concerning to the  following process below, which the  Rector  of the University has also  presented to the mass media.
 2477  applicants  have  applied  to ASUE, 1263  of them  have entered the  University.  97  of them have  entered with free  system, 1166 with paid system, among which 300  are  the  additinal  places given by the RA  Ministry of Education and Science.  78  accepted students  with free  system  of 97  are  the  places  given by the  University, 10  of them are  the  students  accepted with privileges (children of deceased soldiers, first and second-degree disabled,  disabled since childhood, two-parent orphans), and 9  places  are  for  prepering  targeted personnels  for  the  RA Ministry of   Defence.

 8 winners  of medal, 3 diplomaeds of  the first class of the Republican Olympiad  were  among the  applicants  of ASUE. 

Comparing with the  privious  years,  this year the competition was high enough for admission to ASUE:   the competition was particularly high concerning to  traditionally the most demanded specialties  of the  University.  59,5  point was the  maximum threshold  for the tradationaly  most rating specialty: Finance  and Credit.  A great interest  was  towards  the  other demanded specialties  of the  University: Managment, Accounting, Economics  of   Enterprises  and Managemen, International  Relations, this  year. 59  point was the  maximum threshold  for the  mentioned specilties.