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ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division  has recently  presented  the official  announcment of the list  of   University’s  full-time  Master  Program’s  admission of the 2012-2013 academic year, in which  the places of admission, the  order  of  examinations and presenting  applications, conditions  and   terms are  presented.  Today  we  are  presenting  the  changed  and   completed  version, which also  reflects  the  number  of  places  for  those who have retired from the army,  the  creterias  of  spending  competition and other  additions.

The  admission  of  full-time  Master  program of the 2012-2013 academic  year starts  in  ASUE. We present the  official announcment  of the  University below,  which  fully   reflects the list of specialties (in ASUE as well as  in  branches),  the places of admission, the  order  of  examinations and presenting  applications, conditions  and   terms. 

Armenian State University of Economics announces  an admission  of the  following  specialties  for  the  2012-2013  academic  year's  full-time Master  programs:

A. The  places (Armenian version)  of the 2012-2013 academic  year's full-time  Master  program  in  Armenian State  University of Economics

 B.ASUE  Gyumri  Branch

The  places  (Armenian version)  of the 2012-2013 academic  year's full-time  Master  program  in  Armenian State  University of Economics

C. ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch

The  places  (Armenian version)  of the 2012-2013 academic  year's full-time  Master  program  in  Armenian State  University of Economics

D. Armenian State  University of Economics announces an admission  for  preparing Economist-Lawyer dual professional  masters  of  the  following  specialties:

  • Fiscal right
  • Labour Law
  • Customs law

E. For  preparing  Economist-journalist dual  professional  masters  an admission  of  "Economic Journalism" is  announced. 

An admission  take  place  with  two  stages:

1.ASUE  bachelor students  of the  2011-2012 academic  year participate  in the  first  stage  of  the  admission.

2.ASUE  graduates   of  all  years,   Bachelor  students  from  other state and non-state accredited  Universities can  participate  in  the  second  stage  of the  admission.

The  applications  of  ASUE  Bachelor  graduates  of the 2011-2012  academic  year  for the  first  stage will  be  accepted  from  the  1st  to the  7th of  June.  You  should  present:


2.two  photos  of 3x4  size

For  the  second stage the  applications  will be  accepted  from the  15th of  June  to the  26th of  August, and the  examinations  will  be  organized  29-31  of  August.  You  should  present


2.The  copy  of  the  diploma  and  its appendix given by   the state and non-state accredited  University 

3.two  photos  of  3x4  size

4.the  citizens  who  work should  present a report  from  working  place.

The  competition of  Master  Program’s admission  takes  place  according  to  the  priority  of  followinq  criterias:

  • the medium marks of the diploma received in the result of the previous studying,
  • cumulative  medium  marks   of the  professional  subjects,
  • the  presence  of  published  or  given to be published  scientific works,
  • cumulative  medium  marks   of the  non professional  subjects.

For  more  information  call 589397, 525758.