The 13rd Republican Students sport games of boys' volleyball championship starts today at ASUE gym, at 14.00a.m. ASUE team will compete with the sportsmen of Vanadzor Pedagogical University at 16.15a.m.
"Our boys have prepared for the championship seriously. The first opponent team is prepared and I am sure that our boys will show a warthy game", Gagik Vardanyan, the coach of ASUE volleyball team, told the Media and Public Relations Division, hoping that our team will justify the expectations of fans.
We inform that today at 14.00a.m. teams of Armenian State Engineering and Armenian-Russian University, at 14.15a.m. teams of Armenian State Agrarian and Armenian State Pedagogical Universities, at 15.30a.m. teams of French University in Armenia and Yerevan State Medical University will compete.
Wish success to sportsmen.