ASUE Graduates Started to Work in SRC: Letter of Gratitude to Rector Koryun Atoyan

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Mher  Shahinyan, Mariam Chalkadryan, Hamlet Danielyan, Gohar Movsisyan  and  Ani Hunanyan, graduates  of Armenian State University of Economics, started  to work in Financial Accounting Department of State Revenue Committee by the RA Government (SRC). On this occasion, Arthur Martirosyan, the Head of the Department, has sent a letter of gratitude to Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Professor,  expressing hope that the close  relations  between  the  two structures will be ongoing  and will be more strengthened.

“As a result of this cooperation our team was given a new breath and a working new atmosphere. As the  Head of Financial Accounting Department of State Revenue Committee by the RA Government (SRC) I express my deep gratitude to You for preparing high-level educated and specialized  personnel. We highly evaluate the cooperation between State Revenue Committee by the RA Government (SRC)  and Armenian State University of Economics, which greatly contributes to the process of ensuring the RA labor  market with highly qualified personnel”; particularly  it’s  stated in the letter addressed to Koryun Atoyan.

P.S. ASUE Rector  Koryun Atoyan has initiated a process of signing contracts with a number of public and private agencies to carry out joint academic programs in order to solve ASUE graduates' employment problem. It’s noteworthy, that it started with the signing of a contract with the State Revenue Committee in 2011.

So, the two  structures began to carry out Master’s degree programs of customs and taxation specialization. Within the  frames  of this initiative State Revenue Committee gifted our  University tax and custom specialized auditoriums -  furnished and technically upgraded.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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