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On December 27 the presentation of ASUE official website will take place  at the ASUE Ceremony Hall.

   ASUE new website will have completely new design, with technical and programmatic solutions, new pages and interesting topics. Now you can find lots of information concerning the University, life in the University and events. There are following topics in the ASUE website: “About ASUE”, “Entertainment”, “Departments”, “Media”, “Life in ASUE”, “Contact us”.

   Under the topic “About ASUE” Koryun Atoyan’s, the Rector of ASUE, Doctor of Economics, Professor, speeches concerning the University events, the structure of University, the University administrative bodies, the University charter, history, symbol, councils and graduates are presented.

   You can find information about the rules of entering ASUE, as well as all the answers concerning the tuition fees in website’s “Entertainment” section.  The information about ASUE six deparmenmts and 31 chairs contains in the “Department” section. There is another remarkable information: dear  students, now you can also leran your schedules from the University’s website.

   News from  the University life are presented in the “Media” section as well as the publications, pictures, videos about the University, as well as “Economist” , the University magazine and “Bamber”, electronic version of scientific journal. News are updated daily.

   The information about our University Student Council, its activities is presented in the “Life in ASUE” section, where the following pages are also presented: “Sport”, “Culture”, “Rest”, “ASUE Style”.  In the section “Contact us” you can find the University numbers and e-mail.

   In the home page of website the rich library of the University, which has been digitized, the results of exams, “Business” page, as well as the announcement section are also presented.

   Note, that it is foreseed to make the website trilingual. Now a great work is going on  the preparation of website’s Russian and English versions. Soon they will also be presented.