ASUE Will Host the Students Solemnly: the Launch of September 1st Events is at 9:00

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We all are enthusiastic on the eve of the new academic year and knowledge day. We are confident that the first-year students are full of objectives and special expectations upon the entering of the new student life tomorrow.

Dear students,

ASUE welcomes you and is ready to make the launch of the new phase of University life warmly and solemnly for each of you.

Thus, on September 1st ASUE will wait for its students at 9:00 in the University yard (128 Nalbandyan str., entrance from the gates). Professor Koryun Atoyan, Rector of ASUE will deliver an opening speech, as well as Deans will congratulate the students. The students will be accompanied to the Departments after the ceremony. The classes will start at 9:30

The students of the Department of Informatics and Statistics must be at Zeytun branch of ASUE at 9:00.

We would like to remind you that only Full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs classes start tomorrow. First year students must pay tuition fees until September 15th.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division