Summing up Another Year: See You Soon

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Dear readers, ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division leaves for summer vacations since today.

ASUE official website and the official Facebook page will temporarily stop   posting news, “Tntesaget” magazine  won’t be published also, however, ASUE important events and University-educational news will be under  our  attention during the vacation. The list of ASUE  entrants will be posted in ASUE  official  website ( tomorrow.

So, our Division  summed  up the 2016-2017 academic  and working year, pointing out  the  achievements, outlining the  future  planes  of the  upcoming academic year.

After the holiday - in the second half of August, we’ll   start working with new mood, new stimuli: that’s to provide comprehensive, accurate and timely information to our faithful audience.

P.S. The schedule  of vacations  of ASUE  Faculty  and administrative  staff  has been already posted and  is  available at:

We wish everybody a pleasant vacation: see you soon.

Kindly: ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

Previous  news  here