Painter Aram Elbakyan - “There isn’t Good and Bad Painter, there is a Close One…”

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Aram Elbakyan, painter, member of Artists' Union of Armenia since 1987,  works  in protective services of  our University’s Department of  Finance.

Yes, the reader will becorrectly surprised. “For me, art has never been a way of living, I take my brush and paint only in moments of inspiration and  never  for  order  and  money. I've always earned by my professional work: as a stage designer in theatre, as a designer in factory’s engineering department. I strongly believe that artist’s creative energy should not be bound  and put into circle”.

Today, he draws with great inspiration parallel with his work, now he completes the portrait of Yeshishe Charents. We present some of his works to your attention.

Aram Elbakyan is  the united family Dad, where  spirit of  art  is fluttering  and loving grandchildren are growing up. He  believes; “There isn’t good and bad painter, there is a close oneor vice versa”.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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