Two jubilees at the Rectorate session

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Today at the ASUE Rectorate session Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan congratulated the 80th anniversary of the two jubilees, who made a great contribution to the history and chronology of our University.

Highly assessing professional activity, irreplaceable contribution to the statistics of the republic, Rector Koryun Atoyan presented a congratulatory message to Valery Alexanyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Statistics. Valery Alexanyan thanked for appreciating his long-term work at the university.

Highly assessing long and productive way, Rector Koryun Atoyan thanked Aghasy Sargsyan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, ASUE Vice-rector of Science from 1994 to 2006, Head of the Accounting and Audit Chair from 1986-2011, and presented the congratulatory message to Mary Badalyan, Acting Dean of Accounting and Auditing Department.

P.S. Aghasi Sargsyan was not present at the session, so we post a photo from our archive.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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