Ongoing Admission Process at ASUE: 518 Entrants have Applied

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Admission of  full-time Bachelor’s degree  for the 2017-2018 academic year goes on. ASUE  Admission Committee is in full swing – the  entrants fill in application forms, get more information on ASUE specialties, get acquainted with ASUE life, talk to students and ask questions: ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division has  recorded those moments.

Vadim Grigoryan, Executive Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee  mentioned  that 518 entrants  have  already  applied since May 5 and reminded  that the  admission of full-time Bachelor’s degree will continue till June 1, at 18:00 and the  admission of full-time  Master’s degree will start since June 2. Here are the admission stages: June 2-9 – the  first stage, from  June 2 to July 15 – the second stage.

The  list of Master’s degree specialties for the 2017-2018 academic year will be posted soon.

P.S. ASUE  Admission Committee (Department of Finance) works every day, 9-00-17-00. Address: 128 Nalbandyan str., 0025 Yerevan, Tel: 593 473,

Good luck to all entrants.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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